Kitchen Timer with a Twist

Kitchen Timer

This project introduces a unique twist to the conventional kitchen timer. While seemingly simple, it proves to be quite practical.


This project is based on the versatile Swiss-army PCB, with some components omitted for simplicity.

Components excluded:

  • micro SD card,

  • microphone preamplifier

  • microphone/headphone sockets (bypassed by a wire link).

Components retained:

  • OLED Display

  • Buttons

  • Audio amplifier

  • Pi Pico

Power options include USB (in which case, omit the battery case and power switch) or batteries (remove D1 from the Pi Pico in this case).

Swiss-army PCB

Details of the Swiss-Army-PCB can be found here.


Here is the C++ code along with a pre-built firmware image available for download over USB.


The timer code itself is intentionally kept simple but with a fun twist. Instead of generic beeps, the code includes a selection of melodies to signal the end of the timer. The C++ code snippet for the timer logic is as follows:

if (running) {
  if (time_us_64() >= next_run) {
    next_run += 1000000u;
    if (seconds == 0) {
      if (minutes == 0) {
        if (hours == 0) {
          // timer expired
          running = false;
          hours = stored_hours;
          minutes = stored_minutes;
          seconds = 0;
          needs_reset = false;
          uint64_t start_time = time_us_64(); // update timer 1 second from now
          while((time_us_64() - start_time) < timeout)
            player.play_tune(audio_output, tunes[tune], num_notes[tune]);
        } else {
          minutes = 59;
      } else {
        seconds = 59;
    } else {

Simple Tune Player Class

Here is a simple class designed to play a musical tune. Each musical note is represented by a structure (note_t) containing the frequency in Hertz and the duration in samples. A rest is indicated by setting the frequency to zero. The play_tune function is responsible for playing an array of notes, utilizing the play_note function for individual note playback.

The play_note function features a phase accumulator, which increments by a fixed number of steps for each sample. The ten most significant bits of the phase accumulator serve as an index into a sine (sin) lookup table. The appropriate number of samples is then passed to the PWM audio output. This version introduces a small gap between each note; however, a more sophisticated solution would involve applying an envelope to the amplitude of the audio signal to better represent a musical note.

void music::play_note(PWMAudio audio_output, note_t note)

  const uint32_t frequency_steps =
    static_cast<uint32_t>(4294967296.0 * note.pitch_Hz / audio_sample_rate);
  const float amplitude = note.pitch_Hz == 0 ? 0 : 2047; // frequency of zero means silence

  uint32_t samples_left = note.duration_samples - 50;
  while (samples_left)
    uint32_t block_size = std::min(static_cast<uint32_t>(1024u), samples_left);
    for (uint16_t idx = 0; idx < block_size; idx++) {
      const float sample = sin_table[phase >> 22] * amplitude; // 10 MSBs (32-10 = 22)
      phase += frequency_steps;
      samples[ping][idx] = sample + 2048;
    audio_output.output_samples(samples[ping], block_size);
    ping ^= 1u;
    samples_left -= block_size;

  // small gap between notes
  for (uint16_t idx = 0; idx < 50; idx++) {
    samples[ping][idx] = 2048;
  audio_output.output_samples(samples[ping], 50);
  ping ^= 1u;


void music::play_tune(PWMAudio audio_output, const note_t notes[], uint16_t length)
  // play each note in turn
  for(uint16_t i=0; i<length; i++)
    play_note(audio_output, notes[i]);

RTTTL Format: An Introduction

Now that we have straightforward code for playing tunes, the next step is to gather some tunes for playback. Fortunately, there are libraries that house numerous tunes designed for Nokia phones, all available in RTTTL format.

RTTTL, which stands for Ring Tone Text Transfer Language, is a simple text-based format used for representing melodies in mobile phones and other compatible devices. Developed for easy exchange of ringtones, RTTTL provides a concise way to describe musical sequences.

RTTTL Syntax

The syntax of an RTTTL string consists of three main components: the name, default values, and the note sequence. Each component is separated by colons, and the note sequence is further divided into segments denoting the note, duration, and optional control parameters.

Example RTTTL String

Here’s an example of a basic RTTTL string:

InspectorGadgetTheme : d=4,o=5,b=140:16d,8e,8f,16g,8a,8f,8g#,8e,8g,8f,16d,16e,16f,16g,8a,8d6,c#7,p,16d,16e,16f,16g,8a,8f,8g#,8e

In this example, “InspectorGadgetTheme” is the name of the ringtone and the subsequent components set the default duration (d), octave (o), and beats per minute (b). The note sequence follows, with each note represented by a letter (e.g., a, b, c) and optional modifiers for duration and other parameters.

Python RTTTL Parser

With a collection of tunes in RTTTL format, a Python script simplifies the conversion of these tunes into arrays of notes that our software can play.

The RTTTL string consists of two main parts: the header and the body. The header contains information like the title, default octave, default note size, and tempo in beats per minute. Although not explicitly stated in the documentation, treating a beat as a quarter note appears to play the tunes at the correct speed.

Python Code

The Python script to parse the RTTTL string is as follows:

title, header, body = rtttl.split(":")
title = title.strip()
header_dict = {"o": 6, "b": 63, "d": 4}
for key_value in header.split(","):
  key, value = key_value.split("=")
  key = key.strip()
  value = value.strip()
  header_dict[key.lower()] = value.lower()

The body of the RTTTL string contains a comma-separated list of notes. The first number represents the duration of a note, where 4 means a quarter note, 8 means an eighth note, and so on. The pitch is represented by a letter, possibly followed by a # character indicating the note. The final number represents the octave number. An optional . character indicates that the duration should be multiplied by 1.5. The . character can appear anywhere in the note.

Parsing a note is done as follows:

# parse duration
duration = ""
dotted = False
while note and note[0].isdigit():
  duration += note[0]
  note = note[1:]
if duration:
  duration = int(duration)
  duration = int(header_dict["d"])

# check for dot
if note and note[0]==".":
  dotted = True
  note = note[1:]

# parse pitch
pitch = note[0]
note = note[1:]
if note and note[0] == "#":
  pitch += "#"
  note = note[1:]

# check for dot
if note and note[0]==".":
  dotted = True
  note = note[1:]

# parse octave
if note and note[0].isdigit():
  octave = int(note[0])
  note = note[0]
  octave = int(header_dict["o"])

# check for dot
if note and note[0]==".":
  dotted = True
  note = note[1:]

Conversion to Frequencies and Samples

The script then converts pitches into Hertz and durations into samples using lookup tables:

def calculate_frequencies():
  f = 261.63  # middle C
  notes = ["c", "c#", "d", "d#", "e", "f", "f#", "g", "g#", "a", "a#", "b"]
  ratio = pow(2, 1/12)  # a semitone
  frequencies = {}
  for octave in [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]:
    for note in notes:
      frequencies["%s%u" % (note, octave)] = round(f)
      f *= ratio
  return frequencies
frequencies = calculate_frequencies()

From the tempo in beats_per_minute and the sample rate audio_sample_rate, note durations are converted into samples:

# convert duration to samples
if dotted:
  duration = (sample_rate*60*3*4) // (duration*2*int(header_dict["b"]))
  duration = (sample_rate*60*4) // (duration*int(header_dict["b"]))

Output Header File

The Python script outputs a header file that can be included in C++ code. An example tune representation in C++ looks like this:

const note_t InspectorGadgetTheme[] = {
  {587, 1071},  // d5
  {659, 2142},  // e5
  {698, 2142},  // f5
  {784, 1071},  // g5
  {880, 2142},  // a5
  {698, 2142},  // f5
  {831, 2142},  // g#5
  {659, 2142},  // e5
  {784, 2142},  // g5
  {698, 2142},  // f5
  {587, 1071},  // d5
  {659, 1071},  // e5
  {698, 1071},  // f5
  {784, 1071},  // g5
  {880, 2142},  // a5
  {1175, 2142}, // d6
  {2217, 4285}, // c#7
  {0, 4285},    // p5
  {587, 1071},  // d5
  {659, 1071},  // e5
  {698, 1071},  // f5
  {784, 1071},  // g5
  {880, 2142},  // a5
  {698, 2142},  // f5
  {831, 2142},  // g#5
  {659, 2142},  // e5